Parle Products Ltd.


Parle Products has been India’s largest manufacturer of biscuits and confectionery, for almost 80 years. Makers of the world’s largest selling biscuit, Parle-G, and a host of other very popular brands, the Parle name symbolizes quality, nutrition and great taste. With a reach spanning even the remotest villages of India, the company has definitely come a very long way since its inception.

Many of the Parle products – biscuits or confectioneries, are market leaders in their category and have won acclaim at the Monde Selection, since 1971. With a 40% share of the total biscuit market and a 15% share of the total confectionary market in India, Parle has grown to become a multi-million dollar company. While to consumers it’s a beacon of faith and trust, competitors look upon Parle as an example of marketing brilliance.

Over the decades the efforts of their Research and Development wing have made the repertoire of their products grow manifold. In biscuits they have Glucose, Milk, sweet and salted, cream, Digestive, cumin seed and cheese categories. In confectionery, they have a range of toffees and hard-boiled candies available in chocolate, mint, cola, and tropical fruit flavors. Some of these are double layered toffees and center filled candies packed in rolls or pillow packs, or have single or double twist wrapping.

Parle Products Ltd, the findings of a recent study conducted by ACNielsen afforded the perfect opportunity to set up an interface with Indian consumers and speak to them about the popularity of flagship glucose biscuit brand, Parle-G. An opportunity that Parle Products and Everest Integrated Communications – the agency handling the Parle-G account – grabbed with both hands. The result? A five-commercial ‘testimonial’ campaign that underlines the findings of the ACNielsen study: that Parle-G has emerged as the world’s largest-selling biscuit brand.

Every nation dreams of a better tomorrow. And every nation’s tomorrow lies in the hands of its children; children who make the nation proud in every aspect; the young geniuses who shape the future of the nation.  So it’s important to nourish these young minds, for after all it’s a question of the nation’s future.  Filled with the goodness of milk and wheat, Parle G is a source of strength for both body and mind. Treat yourself to a packet of Parle-G to experience what has nurtured and strengthened the minds of millions of genius Indians for over 65 years. It’s more than just a biscuit. A meal substitute for some, a tasty and healthy snack for many others. Consumed by some for the value it offers, and many others for its taste.

The automatic biscuit production line, with original design, compact structure and high automation, is developed on the base of adsorbing Japanese technology. All working procedures that from feeding, calendaring, sharping, wastage recovering, drying to cooking can be accomplished automatically. Hundred of moulds and dozens of   technology formulas make it possible to produce various  kinds of popular biscuit such as  cream biscuit, sandwich biscuit, calcium biscuit, chocolate biscuit, soda biscuit, multi-vitamin biscuit, vegetable biscuit, etc.
The Parle brands have been constantly honored internationally with the awards at the Monde Selection.

            Very rightly described as “SWAD SE BHARA, SWASTHYA SE BHARA” means full with taste, full with health “.

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