Parna Huts – Your Monsoon Get Away!


Rutu-parna-farm-mulshi-2Recently visited a farm house in the outskirts of Mumbai, and wondered do such empty pieces of lands exist in Mumbai. Few years ago the stretch of land was barren except stream of Paraná River. However Mr. Prasad converted it into gold mine by his hard work and experience in South Africa.

The 10 acres of lands which consists of Parana huts is owned by Prasad Yelekar, whose origin is Pune and he has spent 9 years in South Africa. (Been engineer by profession.)

Located at Kamshet, leave express highway at Lonavala exit (13 kms ahead.)

In nominal charges of Rs. 500 per person, the entire package of “Paraná Huts” is at your service. The package includes breakfast, lunch and evening tea. The entire food is cooked from vegetation from farm and none of the eatable is purchased from market. Water is drawn from river and is filtered to make it fit for drinking.

Post breakfast you can enjoy a lot of natural activities like water sports (indoor pool also boating at lakeside) or you can visit ancient Buddha caves, (Bedhsaa caves) and Lohagad fort.

For group they also provide cottages or rest houses, so as for freshening up and changing. For girls they provide small hut indigenously made for safety.

What are you waiting for, coming weekend, grab a backpack, hump on your bikes and find oneness with nature. You can also find solace amongst the beauty god has bestowed there.

(Please note, it is convenient if you have your private vehicle just to avoid fatigue.)


-Vibhav Galadagekar.

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