Participating In Church Or College Activity Helps Your Personality And Helps You Work In An Organisation


All study and no play makes jack a dull boy. Today’s world people don’t really participate in outdoor games. All they do is into their phones. A lot of youth today participate in church activities and college activity. These activities really help a lot in developing your personality. It is not a waste of time or adds on to your hectic life. When you are young and vibrant then you can do more work and you tend to be fresh. This is a phase in life where you meet more and more people and learn how to deal with situations. It creates a work like environment.

How does it bring about your personality?

  1. Dealing with different people.

When you take part in different activities you deal with different people. Different people include people of different age groups youngsters, elderly people and even people of  different age groups helps you see ways in a broader perspective. Different people see different situations in different way.

  1. Helps In building confidence.

Participating in different activities helps in building confidence. Confidence is one thing that is really needed to develop your personality. When your confidence and morale is high it helps you talk confidently in front of people.

  1. Public speaking skills.

Your public speaking skills improve. When you participate it is but natural you learn how to speak. Your voice is one of the most powerful weapons you can have. When you speak you should have a command over your language. Speak in such a way that people listen. No one should dare to even ignore your talks. All eyes are on you. This is possible only when you interact and participate and explore.

  1. Learn to organise different events.

When you participate you have a well-structured organising committee formed. It consists of a vice president, president and the treasurer. Everyone has a set of responsibilities to deal with. This helps you gain so many experiences in turn making you more organised. Following up and reporting to your reporting heads gives you the same feeling that you get when you are working in an organization. When you as a college student know all this and acquire these skills you have an edge over the others.

  1. Built contacts.

College activities and church activities have different departments while organising various events. These departments’ help you associate with different people. You built contacts and have the knowledge of different vendors, sellers or even decorators. Later on in life when you head an event or you are a part of one you too can give them a reference. Since you have the knowledge and contacts, people look up to you.

  1. Recognition

While you are a part of church or college activities, people notice you. Your name is being heard or taken over and over again. You get recognition. People know you more better, seniors, heads and even juniors. When you do a good job people remember you and come to seek help from you.

  1. Helps create new ideas

Being a part of various activities help you explore ideas and create new ideas. When two three heads become one they can club ideas, thoughts and feelings and create an excellent idea and even a masterpiece. Innovations and ideas help make minds more broad. Ideas could be modified and formed.

Thus all these qualities if you as an individual have will be of a good personality development.

As a youngster I now understand that I have grown up and evolved as a person. I can now express my thoughts and words better to people. While working in an organisation all these experiences come handy. It also helps in presentation skills. As BMS students presentations are the only interesting things apart from the subjects that we study. It creates an environment of professionals. Presentations don’t always mean power point slide changes. It is about elaborating the topic given. Speech, diction and vocabulary matters. You learn and grow.

It may be the smallest thing that you do but you can do it well again and again if you know you have participated in a similar type of work. Only attending college sitting for lectures may make you a smart student. But in order to be an all-rounder you need to take part in different activities and events.

Your resume is something that will show your achievements and the extracurricular activities that you do. This matters too apart from your grades in school and college. You can add all these activities on to your resume. It shows that you have participated in other activities and you acquire certain leadership skills that may help you in your future job. Another important thing is if you have worked in a team. Team work is something that all organisations follow. It is no more about an individual now it is more about a team. There are organisational and departmental heads. The head of all the departments form a team. This team have certain people under them. All the members in the team are supposed to work accordingly and with harmony. A lot of companies hire people that have an idea what it is to work in a team. Thus by working with all different groups in church and even in different college events and projects show how you have exposure of being around different people. This builds in a confidence level and far more experience than you may think. It also instils in you a sense of how to deal with different people in different environment. You also have the knowledge of how to behave with people in a team and further in an organisation. This in turn will help you do better in work life In future and helps you develop a professional attitude. You know and understand when to be in formal terms and who all to be in formal terms with. Your boss thus knows that indeed she / he has potential and can do better.

  • Carren bryne.

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