Passion, Fun, excitement and thrill – Cricket imbibes all and much more !



There may be many religions in this secular country called India, but it is said that cricket unites Indians better than any religion can ever do. The phenomenon of cricket has tightened its grip on the Indian psyche. With what started as a bat-ball game in the sixteenth century, has now become the unofficial national game of the nation. Celebrating this popular sport , Durgadevi Saraf Institute of Management studies (DSIMS) hosted an inter  B – School T20 cricket tournament – “ 22 YARDS “ from 24th December to 30th December. Twenty-Twenty (T20) off late has emerged as the most popular cricket format in India as it compresses thrills and spills into just three hours. 22 YARDS aims at capturing all these elements of cricket.

Apart from DSIMS, other popular B- Schools of Mumbai namely IES Management College and Research Centre, Sydenham Institute of Management Studies, Research and Entrepreneurship Education, Thakur Institute of Management and Research, Atharva Institute of Management Studies, Chetana’s Institute of Management and Research are participating in this cricket extravaganza. The six teams, divided into two groups , will battle for a prize money of Rs 15000.

On 24th December, 2013 the tournament kick started by a well attended opening function  graced by Mr. Deepak Thakur, as the chief guest at Venus Sports Academy, Goregaon West , which is the venue for all the matches. The chief guest congratulated DSIMS for the initiative and hoped that such tournament would not only provide wholesome entertainment to the players and spectators but also go a long way in strengthening the bond of management colleges.

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The event started at 9 am with the ribbon cutting ceremony followed by welcome speech by Nidhi Lodha,student,DSIMS. This followed the launch of the trophy and address speech by Prof. Amal Roy , in his address speech, lauded the efforts of the organising committee and wished all the players good luck. He played the first ball of the match as a mark to declare the tournament ‘open’.

The ceremony was attended by all the teachers, staff members and students of Masters of Management Studies and Post Graduate Diploma in Management.

The inaugural match of 22 YARDS T20 B- School tournament was played between Sydenham Institute of Management Studies, Research and Entrepreneurship Education, and. IES Management College and Research Centre , in which IES Management College and Research Centre emerged as winner by four wickets.

While the final match of the tournament on 30th december 2013 was played between IES AND TIMSR. And Thakur Institute of Management Studies and Research won the winning title of 22YARDS T -20 TOURNAMENT  with cheaque of Rs10,000/- while IES won the runnerup title with cheque of Rs. 5,000/-. Followed by prize distrubition ceremony.

22 YARDS has been conceptualised and executed by the students of Masters of Management Studies and Post Graduate Diploma in Management, DSIMS under the constant support and supervision of  the faculty and staff of the college. The tournament is supported by  E-gen ,as title sponsor, XXX Drink, as energy drink sponsor and as online media partner.


Ranita Kakkar

gorank jain

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