Passion: The Key To Self-Discovery



Being unique is the pathway to reach out to people and originality is the substance that facilitates this purpose. Creativity should be like the flow of wind and water; they go about without the need of fulfilling any expectations, they need not have any directions & aims, targets & goals; they know their work and that is to Break All Bounds.

Yes, this is a very overrated image which is perhaps assumed to be a cliché because we all know that the world doesn’t work that way. But deep down, don’t all of us want that flame of ingenuity to ignite us? Everyone somewhere has an escape route to his own world. Somewhere, we all want to explore something new and feel free of obligations. Somewhere, we all want a bit of….Magic.

Clap Clap! Curtains close, eyes open and we introduce reality. That’s the place where we ACTUALLY live in- a world full of statistics and logistics; intellect and practicalities. Basically, a sheer antonym of the world I had previously portrayed. The war between passion & pressure; survival & satisfaction still continues.

Creativity need not always be artistic. Looking at it in a logic-oriented way, recognition has become a priority today. People now don’t want to just earn their living; they want to excel and succeed in what they do and being creative helps achieve that. We have not been sent to become clones of each other. Innovation is required in every field and it comes tax free with passion. Identifying one’s passion is one of the biggest life challenges one can get.

Your passion is like a box of treasure hidden somewhere inside you. Its knowledge dawns upon you when you start introspecting. Its realization drives you crazy and leaves you overwhelmed and restless to explore more. The map to your treasure lies in the time invested by you and when you finally reach it, you can’t open it because it has a typical lock and you need a key for that. But every key has a price, an identity which is to be figured out. No passion can be pursued without having the ability to stand up for it. You need to make your mark so that you have the power to defend your passion. Only after you are capable of earning and paying that price, you own both the key and the treasure.

Adding this metaphor was not only to make this article interesting but also to help comprehend a complicated situation in a lighter way. The intention here is not to jumble things up but to help realize that a person can be happy only if he holds fast to his passion and takes time out for what he is made for. Keeping your passion in your bucket list of future retirement plans is like throwing it away. Living each day with it, even for the least possible time, is what gives the essence that You Are Living.

We live in no illusion and I agree that there is a difference between thinking and executing but thinking is the inevitable initiator for every execution and taking that step gives the courage to go ahead. I don’t say the task is easy, it never will be. But, if this is what keeps us happy and prevents us from having to long for it with hope and helplessness; isn’t it worth all that? And if you think it isn’t; then it is never what is called your Passion. You are yet to discover it.


– By Anwesh Rath


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