While TYBMS students keep asking why there is so much delay in declaring the results of Semester 5, we would like to inform you that this is not the first time that there is so much delay as Mumbai University has been following this “RESULTS DELAY” trend since many years. Exams are mostly conducted in October/November and results are declared in January, February, March. And again Sem 6 exams are conducted in April, May leaving very less time for students to clear Sem 6 which is very crucial semester.
Here we bring you the past year’s results declaration dates:
TYBMS Sem-V Result Declared declared on January 30th, 2009
TYBMS Sem 5 Results 2010 Declared on 3rd February, 2011 at 8.30pm.
TYBMS Sem 5 Results 2011 Declared on 7th March 2012 at 10.30pm
Sem 5 Results of November 2013??? yet to be declared.
Respected B.M.S. faculty,
we would like to tell you that as you said this ‘RESULT DELAY’ has been the trend of Mumbai university from many years, but that is not good at all…….it’s just like you are playing with the emotions of students…….yes we can accept it that there were some problem…..& it has already delayed so much time…..& you have to declare the result as soon as possible……without reasons if there is any delay in result declaration…..that’s not fair at al!!!!!!!!!!!!!