Paul Knox’s Scriptwriting Workshop to Commence in Mumbai


Contact: Rajendar Kumar                                                               July 1, 2011

Mob: 81 0824 7319

Paul Knox’s Scriptwriting Workshop to Commence in Mumbai



Writer/director/filmmaker, Paul Knox, brings his New York based Scriptwriting Workshop to Mumbai for a limited time beginning in July and August. The workshop will meet for four hours each week for 12 weeks. Workshop size will be small to assure individual attention. Admittance is by interview.


Anyone who has a story that they believe will make a great film and the desire to put in the work to write it is welcome to apply. The workshop will enable serious and committed individuals to write a well structured, professionally formatted, three-act feature-length screenplay that reflects their voice and vision, and will make them a part of a community of writers adept at sharing supportive, constructive feedback towards strengthening their work.


“It’s important for writers to be discerning when listening to feedback,” says Mr. Knox. “I’ve seen damage done to writers’ work and process by well meaning people who don’t know how to be helpful in their feedback. And it’s just as important for writers to learn how to effectively apply it to their work.”


The process oriented workshop will take participants through story formulation, building structure, establishment of setting, character development, creation of dialogue, use of proper formatting and ultimately, writing scenes. Various screenwriting texts will be referenced, and a series of exercises developed for the workshop will be practiced.


By the end of the twelve weeks, participants should be able to complete the 1st draft of a 1st Act and be on their way to finishing their feature length screenplay.


For more information and to schedule an interview, call Rajendar Kumar at 81 0824 7319, or email [email protected].



Paul Knox’s feature-length screenplays include HEAVEN’S SCENT, which was optioned by the Launch Crew, CLEANING UP, and EATING JAIN, which was a finalist in New York’s 2009 NewFest screenplay competition. His short film, TWO MEN IN SHOULDER STAND has played at festivals around the world including New York, Chicago, India and Sri Lanka.


His play, KALIGHAT, based on his experiences working in Mother Teresa’s homes in Kolkata, was produced by the Indo-American Arts Council in New York City, and subsequently published by the NY Theater Experience. Under his direction, his GEHRI DOSTI: 5 Short Plays with a South Asian Bent 😉  was presented at Harvard University and off-off Broadway by Circle East.


His work has also been seen at the Circle Repertory Company Lab, La Mama, The Neighborhood Playhouse, SAALAM Theater, Desipina and others in New York. He attended Columbia University and is a co-recipient of the United Nations Society of Writers’ Award for his cultural exchange work with the Russian Academy of Theater Arts (GITIS) in Moscow.


As an actor, Paul trained at Circle in the Square, and with Robert Lewis. He appeared in the Rohan Sippy produced film, THE PRESIDENT IS COMING, in India. Currently, he is working on a feature-length documentary entitled, EXILE, about immigration policies in the U.S.



A Few Testimonials from Past Workshop Participants:



“Paul Knox is a master in teaching screenwriting. His knowledge of both Hollywood and Bollywood films helped me to turn professional. My scripts sold and I have gone on to complete additional script assignments. His techniques helped me over the initial hurdles so I could get going with my writing!” – Ibrahim Afghan, Scriptwriter, Mumbai



“When there’s a story waiting to be polished and finished, this course completes the job. Got me writing and completing my screenplay with definition and unobtrusive feedback. Loved it! Paul is a pro at keeping you writing and great at teaching you how to listen with confidence.” – Anisa M. Ganguli, Scriptwriter, Panjim, Goa



“Paul Knox is that elusive combination of great writer, great teacher and great all-in-all good person. I enjoyed his wonderful screenwriting workshop tremendously. He was extremely methodical and organized and extraordinarily inspiring. I would highly recommend his workshop to anyone!” — Manjula Menon, Writer, San Francisco, CA



“I had the opportunity to attend Paul’s Screenwriting Workshop in New York last year. The casual yet disciplined environment proved to be instrumental in working my screenplay towards completion.


Paul used his amazing insight in moderating the peer-to-peer reviews, which catalyzed critiquing into a tool to making our scripts more nuanced. The focus of Paul’s workshop extended beyond structure and plot-points to adding emotional depth to characters resulting in non-clichéd characters coming “alive.”  — Sangeeta Kumar, Managing Editor EGO Magazine, New York, NY



“Paul Knox is a great teacher. I’ve enjoyed his course tremendously and was amazed at how much I learned in such a short period of time.”  — Dr. Sethi, Pediatric Dental Surgeon/Screenwriter, New Haven, CT



And also from:


“Paul Knox is a versatile, knowledgeable, discerning filmmaker and playwright. The IAAC was privileged to present Paul’s “Kalighat” at our MELA in New York to packed houses and rave reviews and have also had the pleasure of presenting his films at our annual Mahindra-IAAC Film Festivals. We miss him in New York! – Aroon Shivdasani, Executive Director, Indo-American Arts Council, New York, NY


Paul is a pro at story development. If I were in Mumbai, I’d be in his workshop.” – William M. Hoffman, Pulitzer Prize and Tony nominated Playwright and


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