PCOS – An Increasing Disease Among Women



PCOS formally known as polycystic ovarian syndrome another name for PCOS is PCOD –polycystic ovarian disease. It is a hormonal change that is seen in women. It changes the female hormones and creates a certain kind of complications in the body. The body structure changes. When the layer of fat becomes thick and heavy it presses down the ovaries causing an obstacle for the blood to circulate and the periods to come out.


  1. Acne
  2. Darkening of the armpits, groin and neck.
  3. Lower body becoming bigger.
  4. Irregular menstruation.
  5. Periods going on for over a week.
  6. Facial hair.
  7. Excessive hair growth all over the body.

The above symptoms state that you may be suffering from PCOD. It is very important for women especially young girls and women who are of the marriageable age to diagnose them with PCOD. Many women and mothers avoid taking their daughters, sisters and friends to the gynaecologist in the fear of embarrassment. In India people have this different mentality when they know a woman’s period has been delayed. The first thing that comes to their mind is is she pregnant? Or has she been intimate with her boyfriend and has crossed her limits? Why didn’t she use protection? We land up to so many conclusions without even consulting a doctor. Although times have changed and people are so open about it and it doesn’t matter if your periods have delayed. It is essential to check up.

When you take an appointment from the gynaecologist she may ask you various questions like:-

10 questions your gynecologist may ask you. You need to be prepared.

  1. Do you get your periods regularly?
  2. Since how long is your periods getting delayed?
  3. Do you have a boyfriend? If yes then next question arises
  4. Are you sexually active? If yes then
  5. Do you have safe sex?
  6. Do u use protection if yes what do u take an I-pill or condom is what your people use as protection?
  7. Do you get white fluid? If yes then is it too much or too less?
  8. For how long do your periods go on till?
  9. Do you notice any change in your body?
  10. Do you get mood-swings?

As awkward as it seems to read this it is even more embarrassing to hear your doctor ask you such personal question. Everything is linked to your body mechanism and it is important to really answer them and be honest. The doctor is not interested in your personal life but she needs to know so that she can diagnose you and treat you with the right medications.

It is said never hide anything from your doctor and your lawyer. They can save you and find out solutions. Pcos is curable. 8 among 10 women are being diagnosed with pcod because of the life style we have developed today.

Right from our eating habits to our stress levels everything is to be blamed. We today are so engrossed in so many other things that we neglect our health. Some women are happy they don’t get periods regularly as they get some concession from the pain, crams and the mood swings. But no it is wrong. A woman’s body is meant to function in a manner where through periods all the impurity from our body is been removed. The more the flow of blood, the more the better for the body. It cleans the body and purifies the blood. Most women are anemic which results into weakness, drowsiness and irregular periods.


PCOD if not treated at the right time may cause a serious problem in future.  

  • The marital life of the lady gets affected.
  • She may not be able to conceive
  • Problems in conceiving may lead to stress.
  • Can’t have a family life.
  • If women with PCOD get pregnant she may go through miscarriages a number of times.
  • There may be complications in delivering the baby.

So on and so forth. It is thus essential to get yourself treated just in case you notice any symptoms before it’s too late.


  • First you shall visit a gynecologist.
  • Do the test that she tells you. If you’re not satisfied you may go to another doctor.
  • If you do not want to spend for these doctor visits then you can get a USG (sonography) done.
  • The sonography test shows the results if you have pcod it shows bilateral polycystic ovaries or right / left ovarian cyst and all of that.
  • The doctor will recommend some hormone test like t3, t4, TSH these are thyroid hormones. There are many more tests that are needed as it is a hormonal defect.

In pcod the feminine hormones slowly change, you may notice facial hair which is a sign of male hormone. That doesn’t mean that you are turning into a male but it just means hormones are changing it is not a good feeling. It is curable s you don’t have to worry.


There are various treatments like

  • Laser treatment –through laser treatment the cysts in the ovaries are been burnt.
  • Through allopathy, homoepathy and ayurvedic treatment.
  • Sometimes all you need is to exercise. And the extra layer of fat that occurs soon gets melted and your periods come regular.


  • Exercise daily.
  • Eat healthy
  • Avoid stress
  • Sleep on time
  • Eat food on time.
  • Develop a good healthy life style.
  • Also try keeping your haemoglobin level good.
  • Eat beetroots, spinach and leafy vegetables and avoid red meat, oily and fatty food.

The most important tip from me would be have two spoons of DAMULARIST KADAA available at the medical store. It helps purify your blood and makes you get your periods on time. It an ayurvedic blood purifier syrup that you need to have for a good purified blood circulation. Women who are not suffering from PCOD too can have this syrup.




Carren Bryne.

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