Penfriends – A By-Gone Era?  


When was the last time you ever wrote a letter instead of writing an email.


A pure handwritten letter which you ever mailed or posted and waited for their replies.

Posting a mail is becoming the thing of the past with new technologies are language skills are getting hampered every day conscious or unconsciously. The snail mail as we now call it is a fading art form.We as kids have been always given the gift of writing at a very young age but as we pass out certain age it all seems topics of disinterest.

But an effort is made everyday to make sure you write well. Many websites like help u make pen friends. For those of you who don’t know what a pen friend is he/she is a person too whom you be friends by writing letters too.

This a very old tradition which makes people feel learn about cultures and values of other countries without going there through their pen friends however this traditonal art form is loosing fast. People generally like things free and fast if you imagine that they would take the pain to write the letter and post it with their money only for a few lines mostly it wont happen. So the best solutions too all of these problems was found by pen friend writer itself.

All they started doing is approaching people via mail and making more penfriends as we write to then and they expect our email we more larger audience. Why wait for something too happen when you can make it happen was thier approach.

This method alot of people too support this loosing art form including myself. A Request too all those diary page too professionals find a penfriend. It will help you improve what we all our loosing out our languages which pass us our knowledge.

– Aditya Chavan




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