Perks at their best!


Perks glue people’s practices to profitability. Leading organizations have recognized how valuable personalized “power perks” are for motivating and rewarding employees, and fueling business performance. From game rooms to hi-tech freebies, here are some of the perks that top savviest companies offer their employees.

  1. Google

Google is very much known for the perks it provides to its employees. Google jobs are some of the most sought after positions in the entire tech industry. They are designed to take care of the employee to keep them healthy, whether physically, emotionally, financially or socially. Perks offered are free gyms on campus, offices that offer on-site day care, yoga, pilates and crossfits, back-up child care assistance;  travel insurance and emergency assistance, free food and drinks,  reimbursement of classes and degree programs, providing legal services on almost no costs or group discounts.  Employees can also have joyous times in the game rooms, bowling alleys and play arcade games.


  1. Yahoo

This tech giant has incredible perks to offer. The offices are equipped with ergonomic support chairs and healthy snacks and drinks on every floor, 24×7 cafeterias and monthly food coupons, on campus gyms, day care center and health club, hospitalization and personal accident insurance, annual health check-ups, educational reimbursement, restricted stock units and Employee stock options; Vacation leave, sick leave, maternity, adoption leave and paternity leave. Outside the office, Yahoo offers discounts to ski resorts and theme parks, and it hosts an annual Oktoberfest party. Workers also enjoy a social atmosphere with live concerts (think Taylor Swift) and barbecues.  Yahoo employees can also attend the company’s Influential Speaker Series, where celebrities and like Tom Cruise and Tom Brokaw come to speak to the company.


  1. SC Johnson & son

SC Johnson & sons know the value of rewarding their employees, and it does it in some of the coolest ways possible. Being a family company, SC Johnson not surprisingly provides a number of family benefits, including generous maternity &  paternity leave and family volunteer events but also the employees can take advantage of the company’s concierge service for a variety of chores, including delivering groceries, getting an oil change, mailing packages or even stand in line for concert tickets. Apparently, employees can continue to enjoy some of these perks after retirement!  Upon retirement, former employees get a lifetime membership to the company fitness center, which boasts softball fields, volleyball courts, a swimming pool, and driving range.


  1. Chesapeake Energy

This natural-gas producer is very enthusiastic and has a niche of sportsmanship when it comes to perks. Chesapeake Energy has an on-site 72,000-square-foot fitness center that includes a rock-climbing wall, Olympic-sized pool, and sand volleyball court. It also offers free SCUBA certification, skydiving, flight certifications, martial arts, Pilates, sailing, golf, archery, and rowing to all its employees. The center offers more than 70 classes per week, recreation leagues and tournaments, trainers, and a corporate nutritionist. Through Chesapeake’s HELP Initiative (Helping Energize Local Progress), all employees are given four hours of paid company time to volunteer for the organization of their choice. Also, Employees reaching their 20-year anniversary are recognized with a $3500 cash bonus and trip valued at $5,000.


  1. 3M

Known for scotch tape and office products, 3M also has a reputation as an employer with fair benefits. The company offers life insurance and retirement plans on top of the standard medical, dental, and vision health. They offer smoking cessation, weight management, and stress management programs. The office also contains an on-site pharmacy, medical clinic, and fitness center. Employees can also take advantage of the company’s child and elder care consulting services. They are also one of the only major corporations to offer benefits to same-sex couples in domestic partnerships.



Who will miss office, if such is the reward system!

 – Tanvi Shah

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Smita Singh


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