Perseverance Prevails!


Life has its ups and downs, loss and gains, happiness and sorrows. But despite all that, a person’s attitude is what makes or breaks one’s future. It is very easy to give up and lose hope in this world, what is difficult is to endure and persevere in all endeavors.

There was one such girl who had a life which no one would ever want. Born deaf and blind, her world was entirely opaque; but she used the magic of her fingers and proved to the world that she was no less than normal people. Today we know her as Helen Keller- an inspiration to all.
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Perseverance is also an art, a skill; which is one of the biggest steps for achieving great success. A spider climbs the wall after falling down a thousand times, honeybees collect nectar to build their honeycombs, birds fly miles and miles in search of places to set up their nests-it’s all around us. Nature gives us a very important message which is; try and try until you succeed.

Even as great a scientist as Thomas Alva Edison failed 99 times before he could invent the electric bulb which turned out to be a revolution in the field of science. Obstacles and setbacks are an inevitable part of one’s life and accepting that as a challenge with courage was portrayed by a person who has always beenmy source of motivation-Sudha Chandran is a very famous Indian dancer who did many classical programs across the globe.


This will stop sounding normal and irrelevant when I mention that she lost one of her legs in an accident and walks, rather dances on a plastic leg. She is a legend and a great inspiration to all and her never-say-never attitude has motivated a lot of people. Yes, it was hard for her; the unbearable pain, the shattering of will power at every stage; yet she learnt to sail through those high tides.

When asked about how she managed it, she would say “I was driven by the passion for dance which was much stronger than any pain”.

Difficulties can be of any kind or any level but running away from them is not what life teaches us to do. After all, what is a road if there aren’t a few bumps and bruises along the way? Treat your life with some patience and perseverance and you’ll see that in the end, that is what will prevail.

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Poonam Gandhi


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