PG CET 2014 entrance exam conducted by Karnataka Religious & Linguistic Minority Professional Colleges Association (KRLMPCA), Bangalore, has released the answer keys in their official website four sets Version A, Version B, Version C and Version D, all have been released separately.
If any of the candidates have any objections in answer keys, they may sent answer key along with the supporting documents and a DD for Rs 100 for each question, drawn in favour of “KRLMPCA”, payable at Bangalore by post only on or before 5.30 pm of February 26, 2014.
No personal correspondence would be entertained. Objections will not be considered after the deadline.
Post Graduate Common Entrance Test (PG CET) 2014 by KRLMPCA was held on 23rd February. The test is conducted for admission to first year Postgraduate degree and diploma courses in Medical & Dental colleges, commencing in 2014.