Oscar winning actor Philip Hoffman Remembered.


 The news about Actor Philip Hoffman’s death at 46, was reported to an overdose of drugs. Here we present to you everything you wanted to or need to know about this Oscar winning legendary actor.

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Philip Hoffman (July 23, 1967 – February 2, 2014) was an American actor and director. He won the Academy Award for Best Actor for the 2005 biographical film Capote, was nominated three times for the Best Supporting Actor and received three Tony Award nominations for his work in theater.

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Hoffman began his acting career in 1991, and the following year he began to appear in films. He gained recognition for his supporting work in a series of notable films, including cent of a Woman (1992), Twister (1996), Boogie Nights (1997), The Big Lebowski(1998), Patch Adams (1998), Magnolia (1999), The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999), Almost Famous (2000), Red Dragon (2002), 25th Hour (2002), Punch-Drunk Love (2002) and Cold Mountain (2003).

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In 2005, Hoffman played the title role in Capote, for which he won multiple acting awards including the Oscar for best actor. His three other Academy Award nominations came for his supporting work in Charlie Wilson’s War (2007), Doubt (2008) and The Master (2012). Other critically acclaimed films in his later years included Owning Mahowny (2003), Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead (2007), The Savages (2007), Synecdoche, New York (2008),Money ball (2011) and The Ides of March (2011). In 2010, Hoffman made his feature film directorial debut with Jack Goes Boating.

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Hoffman was an accomplished theater actor and director. He joined the Labyrinth Theater Company in 1995, and directed and performed in numerous stage productions. His performances in three Broadway plays led to three Tony Award nominations: two for Best Leading Actor in True West (2000) and Death of a Salesman (2012); one for Best Featured Actor in Long Day’s Journey into Night (2003). In its front-page obituary, The New York Times referred to Hoffman as “perhaps the most ambitious and widely admired American actor of his generation.”

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up www.bms.co.in's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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