Photography Tips Every Travel Photographer Must Know



Planning to trip or vacation? Here’s some travel photography tips to get you thinking about how to capture your time away…

  1. Get up Early –

The best light to capture most kinds of subjects is in the golden hours- one hour after sunrise and one hour before sunset (depend off course on where you are on the globe). So get up early to get that amazing photo opportunities, while all the other tourists are still asleep.

  1.  “Exotic” can be found Anywhere –

No matter where you live in the world: New York, the Middle East or a small village in France. Try to see the beauty of the place you live in. if you will find the beauty of that place and bring within your images, people will follow.

  1. Get Higher –

Every good travel photo series must have at list is one bird’s eye view of the place (Being referred sometimes as the “establish shot”). Find yourself a vintage point overlooking the entire city or town.

  1. Keep it Natural –

One of the most important and influential photographers of all time, Henri Cartier Bresson- Never ever used flash in his photography. A practice he saw as “impolite…like going to a concert with a pistol in your hand.” Try to learn how to use and enjoy the benefits of natural light before you buy that expensive flash or reflector.

  1. Learn your Craft –

Don’t waste your expensive traveling time on learning how to operate that new camera, lens or flash. Do your homework at home.

  1. Travel Slow –

If time allows you, always choice to travel by train or bus over flying. As it will allow you to have better Interactions with the locals.

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  1. Travel Light –

Don’t take your entire house with you. When I travel I take with me only two lenses: One zoom and one prime lens. This is extremely important tip if you plan to do some hiking or trekking.

  1. Feel the Place –

Photography is not only about visual inspiration. Try the local food, smell local markets and hear local music, this will help you to better understand the story of the place.

  1. Say Hello –

Learn how to say “Hello” in the local Language, and greet the locals when taking their photo.

      10. Do your research –

Don’t leave it to chance and learn as much as you can about the place you are about to travel. The more you know, the more “intelligent” your images will be. Staying on the center of town, or having a room with wonderful views can create a lot of great photo opportunities.

       11. Get off the Beaten Path –

Tell your viewers something fresh and new. Share your own point of view of the place. You will be able to do so, only after you do your research and get inspired by.

– Pratiksha Trivedi

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Tanvi Gupta


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