Hashtack is a photo-and video sharing app that brings together Facebook, Instagram and Twitter into one medium. Users can like, comment and zoom pictures, as well as repost them, or as Greenfield says, “retack” them. Jeremy Greenfield is the founder of the app. Hashtack is founded this year only. The retack is a similar symbol to Twitter’s retweet.
Hashtack allow you to create your custom hashtag stream. So if you can create the stream #WorldCup, you will be able to view any photo or video using that hashtag. And this is where Greenfield says he is trying market the app. He believes the app is great for the average user, but becomes a lot more powerful in the hand of social media managers, content creators, community managers and small business owners.
The app is available on iOS and Android app is on its way. Hashtack was originally called Divyy, but was rebranded and released as Hashtack in March. Version 2.0 was released last month.
– By Anand Thakkar