Physical Abuse In A Relationship And In Marriages


A relationship should be loyal, trust worthy and pure. Every person in a relationship should be respected. There are different types of relationships that we see around us and too have experienced around us. It is a relation of trust and security that we desire and indeed it should be one that we have. We experience different relationships one of friendship, in a relationship (dating) also known as boyfriend girlfriend relationship, or of a brother and sister relationship or for that matter even the relationship that we share with our parents.

The different relations we share with parents and the effects of physical abuse in them are as follows:-

  1. Relationship between a parent and children.

The parent child relationship is very close relationship. And in fact the first relationship that we ever get into. We connect with our parents first. Parents must always have optimism and open minded attitude. Physical abuse in any kind of relationship is harmful. Many parents tend to raise hands and hit children for their wrong doings. This is something that is very bad that parents do. Once or twice if you hit the child would be considered okay. But certain parents have the habit of raising hands at all times and this causes a problem between the parent and child. The child develops a certain kind of fear about their parents and will never openly speak and share their problems to their parents. A few parents also have the habit to raise hand in front of the child’s friends and other elderly people. This sometimes embarrassed a child and the child develops hatred towards the parents and thus results into the child going astray and wrong doing like drugs and alcohol when they grow up.

  1. Relationship shared between a brother and sister

A relationship that a brother and a sister share would be the best thing in the world. Brothers are meant to protect their sisters while sister meant to care for their brothers and give them a lot of love. Brothers are considered aggressive. A brother’s love is seen when he fights back for his sister’s pride and dignity. But there are cases where physical abuse leads to damage in the relationship of a brother and sister. Brothers usually are aggressive and remove frustration on sisters mostly the younger ones. They end up hitting them for no reason and also hurt their feelings so much so that it only makes them hate men and their brothers. That’s how they develop hatred for men. They have seen their brothers raising hands on them and thus they end up disliking men or believe that the man they marry too will hit them and hurt them.

  1. Relationship shared between two lovers

Two people get into a mutual understanding and then get into a relationship of friendship that further becomes a relationship of lovers. They share a different bond that is all about trusting one and other who are of different bloods not your family or siblings. Thus this trust should never be broken by physical abuse in relationships. Often people do this mistake of staying in a relationship that has gone through a lot of physical abuse. Some boyfriends often hit their girlfriends and say I love you that are why I slapped you or some senti crap is what boys give. While stupid girls believe all this and say oh he has the right too and hence he can hit me. If you give him the right to touch your body it is only to feel the affection or feel it while making love not to hit you and raise hands on you. You are no slave of that guy that he will do anything that he feels like doing. Some girls live with it while some know how to respect their dignity and self-respect and never want to get into a person like that who has been taught all this. This makes them afraid of getting married as well because if he can do it now he will do it later.

  1. Relationship shared between husband and wife.

The relationship of a husband and wife is of togetherness and it is that unbreakable bond that a couple share. The vows taken while marriage and the feeling of every vow with which it was taken should never be broken. Husbands promise their wives that they will protect and honour her all the days of her life. Forgetting the promises and breaking all the sacred vows they end up into physical abuse. Why would you raise hands on your better half? Someone who is half of you and she completes that half of you that had been incomplete before you being married. Physical abuse in marriage leaves one shattered and broken for the rest of their lives. Mostly in love marriage if a woman is bearing up with all the physical abuse and further decide to marry this has to happen in marriage because she didn’t stop the guy before and so he has the guts to continue with all his beatings and abuses as she bore up with it. Sure marriage is about understanding and loving each other and bearing up with the anger and aggressive attitude and behaviour but it doesn’t mean there is no end. All these things should be put to an end. Children too look and learn from all this which results into mental torture and traumatization.

Physical abuse in any kind of relationship should never be tolerated as it is a negative habit and one should be getting rid of all this and must learn to control their anger and frustration by not removing it on others especially on women. The woman at home be it your sister, mother, girlfriend or even your own wife.

Relationships come with a tag “handle with care”. I have always used this statement in my contents. It is something you must know and reflect upon as well.


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