Physical and Mechanical Barriers to communication


Physical and Mechanical Barriers to communication

Physical barriers arise due to distance, noise and defects in the mechanical devises used in communication: –

(i)            Noise: – Noise refers to the distracting element which breaks the communication of the sender or the receiver and prevents him from paying attention to the contents of the message. Noise can either be physical or psychological. Physical noise implies physical distraction and psychological noise means mental disturbance. Nose can lead to miscommunication.

(ii)          Distance and Time: – physical distance between the sender and receiver serves as barriers of communication. Time is also a barrier of communication. Delayed message created confusion.

(iii)         Information Overload: – Excess communication is called as information overload. The receiver cannot comprehend and absorb beyond his mental capacity. His mind will be closed for a part of communication. Therefore we should be precise and brief in sending messages.

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