Picking your nose and other silly mistakes to avoid at Job Interviews!


With campus placements on the go, we BMSites tend to get nervous and commit silly mistakes during the interview. Here a short read on what you absolutely shouldn’t do in front of an interview panel.

1. Picking your nose! Believe me its way to gross for me to even elaborate on why you shouldn’t do it.

int-pick nose

2. Dresses like you’re going to the prom or the beach. After 3 years hammering into your heads what a formal attire means, you should definitely know that ‘Hawaiian Chappals’ so don’t go with your formals and elaborate jewelry right out from your party closet is a strict NO.


3. Reaching at Indian STREACHABLE Time, this might work at lecture time or when you make your girlfriends wait but the interview panel won’t forgive you if you gave them a kiss and a box of chocolates. Never reach late for an interview.


4. Entering the interview room, chewing Gum. It isn’t the audition for Roadies season infinity and they don’t want to see how cool you are. Spit out that gum or dunk your plastic kutting chai cup before you enter the interview.

int-chew gum

5. Your boyfriend may be the dream catch of the century, but texting him or anyone for that matter during an interview is a complete no. No using phone is a super important rule.


6. Looking cute doesn’t help, when you have no idea what the company is all about. Do your research before the interview and know exactly what your prospective employer does.


7. You cleared that super tough gaming level in DOTA or saw the most romantic SRK movie for the millionth time, good for you but don’t let it distract you during the interview. Not paying attention is a horrible booboo you can make in an interview.


8. You might be a Chatterbox and love to yap it up with whoever you meet, but please don’t talk too much. Answer to the point and in the quantity that is required, no less no more.


9. The sad story of stinky shoes and sweaty palms! Your prospective employer might just get turned off from you in seconds if you don’t take care of personal hygiene, make that your top priority.

int-stinky shoes

10. Back bitching takes you nowhere, especially in the case of bad mouthing past employers, it’s a complete no, because you never know your ex-boss might just turn out to know your prospective employer.

int-no bitchin

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up www.bms.co.in's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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