“Can I Buy You a Drink?” Top 5 Most Effective Pickup Lines


So you’ve spotted a stunner across the bar/lounge/patio/classroom/courtroom, huh?

You have your hair gelled back the way you like it, your best socks on your feet and all the confidence in the world that she’ll positively swoon for you … if only you could think of a great pickup line to break the ice!

Never underestimate the power of a great opening line, and never forget just how utterly and completely you can ruin your chances for romance with a terrible line (think: “Hi there, ugly!). Here are a few tried and true pickup lines that will almost surely get your foot in the proverbial door.

5:Make Them Laugh

Most women say that the best way to make them feel attracted to a man is to make them laugh. So humor is going to win out over “smoothness” in most every case. If you’re a funny person, then be yourself. If you’re not so funny, maybe try one of these babies: “I’ll bet you 20 you’re about to reject me” or “Hey, does this napkin smell like chloroform?” Actually, y’know what, don’t try that last one. Ever.

4: “I’m not going to try any cheesy pickup line or anything.”

See what that is there? Just a little bit of reverse psychology, baby! By referencing a “pickup line” you make your intentions clear, but by saying you’re not using one, you won’t come across as sleazy or sneaky (which is not to say that you’re sleazy and sneaky). The ultimate non-pickup pickup line, friends! (A variation on this that borrows from the line above: “You’re so pretty you made me forget my pickup line.”)

3:“Did it hurt when you fell? From heaven?”

“Did it hurt when you fell? From heaven?” or “Is it hot in here, or is it just you?” or “You are a very pretty female” and so on. (This one is clearly intended for use by men directed at women, for the record.) Most ladies like to be called pretty; it’s as simple as that. If you can think of a way to call a girl pretty without objectifying her or making her feel uncomfortable, do it. After all, you’re just paying an honest compliment.

“Can I buy you a drink?”

If you want to get at least a few minutes of someone’s time, offer to buy them something. As you’re likely trying out these lines at a bar, we recommend you make that offer for a drink and not for a lampshade or a wind chime – that would just be weird. Most people like free stuff, so they will accept and you will buy yourself at least a minute or two to prove yourself either awesome or wildly unlikable.

“Hi, my name is _______.”

Believe it or not, the most effective way to strike up a meaningful conversation with a person to whom you’re attracted is to use these strange things called “manners” and to be “friendly.” Just say hi. Just introduce yourself. The fact is you’re not really ever going to trick someone into being attracted to you – they either are, or they are not. So just keep it simple and go for it. And if that fails a few times, then go ahead, get clever.


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A fan of art,cinema,music and whatever is beautiful. currently a student. Creativity and innovation always draws me towards it. i am the one who reads books,hears music take pictures explore places and does whatever gives peace and pleasure and shares it .


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