“I Am Author” Writing Contest i.e. you can write on any topic of your choice and become the participant of the contest.
BMS.co.in (No. 1 Bachelors of Management Studies Portal) is conducting an online writing contest in your college.
Read more about BMS.co.in : http://www.bms.co.in/about-us/
Cool, what’s in it for the Winner?
There will be only 1 Winner from your college who will get the coolest opportunity to become an exclusive blogger with www.bms.co.in plus the super prestigious www.bms.co.in Certificate of Merit.
Hmm, anything for the Participants?
- Yep. Participating in the contest means utilizing the best of your abilities and time to submit your amazing article within the contest deadline.
- Getting your article published in one of the top 4,000 websites of India – BMS.co.in,
- Publishing your article means visibility of having over a lakh visitors read your article.
- Having your name, photo featured on the website alongwith your article link.
- E-certificate of participation
- You can mention about your participation in your portfolio / cover letter / Resume
- Nothing to lose as the contest is free of cost.
- No age limit
- No academic background restrictions. Students from any course or year can participate
- No topic restrictions. Explore your creative best and in case you need idea’s visit www.bms.co.in
How to participate?
- Select a topic of your choice.
- Write an article of 500 to 700 words length and attach 2 to 3 related images of 640*480px.
Mail the article by 31st July 2014 to pillaibms@gmail.com
- In the Email subject line, please mention “Article topic / title”
- Attach the article in .doc/.docx format with font size 12 (Times new Roman)
- Mention in the mail – your name, college name, contact number, brief introduction about yourself, your photo
- You may embed images, videos, etc to enhance the quality to their article.
- DO NOT send copyright articles or copied content. Any entry found copied/plagiarized would be disqualified.
- You can send as many articles as possible (there is no limit)
- Keep checking www.bms.co.in till your article gets published.
- As soon as the article gets published, you need to promote the article link on “Facebook” (on your timeline / groups / pages)
- Articles will be judged on material, concept, total reach, Facebook comments and likes.
- Only 1 article with “maximum” FACEBOOK LIKES wins!
For any doubts/queries, contact Ms. Shweta Agarwal, Social Contest Head of your college at pillaibms@gmail.com
Participate Now!