Pime Time: Arnab Goswami


arnab goswami

  News is a part of our daily lives. Whether it’s reading newspapers, watching news on TV, surfing the internet for latest news, etc we want to constantly know what’s happening around us. We all need our daily dose of news feed. Some people are religious readers of newspapers early in the morning and each one of us has our favourite whether it’s ‘The Times of India’ or ‘The Hindu’ etc. Similarly some have the habit hearing the news on TV channels like ABP news, CNN IBN, etc.

Rajat Arora, Rajdeep Sardesai, Barkha Dutta and many others have been the stars on various news channels for years now. They have been ruling the prime time on television until Arnab Goswami happened. All these seasoned journalists were famous and common in every household and had their grip on the evening and night daily news. However it was Arnab Goswami who revolutionized Indian journalism on TV.

He created his own space on TV and rose to popularity with his debate. Arnab had a different voice; an unbiased and truthful one which connected with most of us. He spoke the truth without any fear, questioned each and everything, praised and criticized equally but most of all he spoke what every common person resonated. He unleashed most of the scams and questioned the government time and again. He was one of the crusaders fighting against corruption and one of the former promoters of change.

Arnab struck a chord with the youth and connected on each and every topic related to the country. His debate’s are not only informative but also give us the views of different people on the panel. What is different in his debate from those on other channels is that he shares his own views on the debate, questions each one thoroughly, comments the arguments and supports them with facts, doesn’t let the debate sway away from the topic and also stops the person alleging false arguments.

Arnab has won credibility for TV journalism. His voice is reckoned by many as that of truth and justice. He is widely respected for his courage to speak the truth however bitter it is. Kudos to him and his team for all the great work they’ve done so far. Just a suggestion try keeping the debate in your regulation as lately it resembles fisherwomen’s fight. Also if a single person goes on talking kindly mute his audio and let the debate go on.

–         Anjani M Nautiyal

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