Plans, Programmes And Projects


The strategic plan devised by the organization proposes the manner in which the strategies could be put into action. Strategies, by themselves, do not lead to action. They are, in a sense, a statement of intent: implementation tasks are meant to realize the intent. Strategies, therefore, have to be activated through implementation.

Strategies should lead to plans. For instance, if stability strategies have been formulated, they may lead to the formulation of various plans. One such plan could be a modernization plan. Plans result in different kinds of programmes. A programme is a broad term, which includes goals, policies, procedures, rules, and steps to be taken in putting a plan into action. Programmes are usually supported by funds allocated for plan implementation. An example of a programme is a research and development programme for the development of a new product.

Programmes lead to the formulation of projects. A project is a highly specific programme for which the time schedule and costs are predetermined. It requires allocation of funds based on capital budgeting by organizations. Thus, research and development programmes may consist of several projects, each of which is intended to achieve a specific and limited objective, requires separate allocation of funds, and is to be completed within a set time schedule.

Implementation of strategies is not limited to formulation of plans, programmes, and projects. Projects would also require resources. After that is provided, it would be essential to see that a proper organizational structure is designed, systems are installed, functional policies are devised, and various behavioural inputs are provided so that plans may work.


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