Plant trees, Save environment!!


There’s a saying — “keep a green in your heart and perhaps a singing bird will come”. I don’t think humans are keeping a sense to this statement mentioned above as people are unintentionally with war with nature who gave us life as nature gave us so many things but now our wonderful planet as turned to to deserted land– ecosystems flattened, desertification of once vibrant soil, poor water management and environmental waste.

Human beings have an ability to heal all the damage which they have made in the history. Planting trees is one of the healing thing every common man can do. There’s no big budget required to plant a tree. Its a group work that every man can do in this planet to stop environmental disasters.

Trees absorb Carbon Dioxide, recycling it into much needed Oxygen. This goes some way to counteracting the effects of global warming and helps to cool the planet. As trees grow, their roots strengthen the soil, helping to prevent erosion, their canopy casts shade allowing the soil to retain moisture and providing perfect conditions for mini ecosystems to develop. There are many things you can do in your garden to help.

Deforestation is a situation human kind should be ashamed of as it doesn’t cost a lot but its returns are valuable and futuristic. Humankind should know the fact that by planting trees they are not doing favor to environment but saving the humankind. Nature is not expecting from human beings but as always nature only gives. So, it is told that humans are selfish and hence for own betterment, one should plant a tree.

“What kind of times are they, when a talk about tree is almost a crime, because it implies silence about so many horrors?——so true…isn’t it??!!

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I am Dhara Shah, a BMS graduate, a friendly person with a happy go lucky nature but cannot stand by lies in front of me, sometimes stubborn as well. I am fun loving kinda person and talkative too.


  1. please provide some idea how to protect tree from cattle and tell me some plants name which grow fast in barren land and that help to make a beautiful campus
    one more thing tell me plant name that consume very less water and gow very fast and it can grow in any condition
    please mail me as soon as possible
    i will be very very thankful
    mritunjay patel
    b tech final yr student
    nit trichy

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