Points to Remember While Purchasing

  • Proper specification
  • Invite quotations from reputed firms
  • Comparison of offers based on basic price, freight & insurance, taxes and levies
  • Quantity & payment discounts
  • Payment terms
  • Delivery period, guarantee
  • Vendor reputation (reliability, technical capabilities, convenience, availability, after-sales service, sales assistance)
  • Short listing for better negotiation terms
  • Seek order acknowledgement


i. Storage


  • Store must be of adequate space
  • Materials must be stored in an appropriate place in correct way
  • Group wise & alphabetical arrangement helps in identifications & retrieval
  • First-in, first-out principle to be followed
  • Monitor expiry date
  • Follow two bin or double shelf system, to avoid
  • Stock outs
  • Reserve bin should contain stock that will cover
  • Lead time and a small safety stock





ii. Equipment Maintenance & Condemnation


Maintenance & Repairs:

Preventive maintenance

Master maintenance plan

Repair of equipment



iii. Preventive Maintenance


  1. Purchase with warranty & spares.
  2. Safeguard the electronic equipments with: (as per guidelines)
    1. Voltage stabilizer, UPS
    2. Automatic switch over generator
    3. Requirement o electricity, water, space, atmospheric conditions, etc. must be taken into consideration.
    4. Well equipped maintenance cell must be available
    5. All equipment just be operated as per instructions with trained staff
    6. Monitoring annual maintenance contracts. (AMC)
    7. Communications between maintenance cell and suppliers of the equipment.
    8. Follow-up of maintenance and repair services.
      1. Repair of equipment
      2. Outside agencies
      3. In-house facility


iv. Condemnation and Disposal


Criteria for Condemnation:

The equipment has become:

  1. Non-functional an beyond economical repair
  2. Non-functional and obsolete
  3. Functional, but obsolete
  4. Functional, but hazardous
  5. Functional, but no longer required


v. Procedure for Condemnation


  1. Verify records.
  2. History sheet of equipment
  3. Log book of maintenance an repairs
  4. Performance record of equipment
  5. Put up in proper form and to the proper authority


vi. Disposal


  1. Circulate to other units, where it is needed
  2. Return to the vendor, if willing to accept
  3. Sell to agencies, scrap dealers, etc.
  4. Auction
  5. Local destruction


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