Political Murders – The Reality Unmasked!



Political killings are not unheard of, not just in our country but at global level. Whether it be economically backward Kenya or technologically strong US.  Killing have occurred since the origin of mankind, some murders being discrete while other open to world (Laden and Saddam Husain)

The sole purpose behind all this remains the same, money and power.

Several key players have been knocked off in their own backyards, whether it be John Frank Kennedy or Abraham Lincoln of United States or Indira Gandhi or the great Mahatma Gandhi of India.

However the most shocking tale of all times would be killing of visionary and our Ex- Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi where not only our country’s involvement was observed, but the marksmen of foreign nations took keen interest.

LalaLajpat Rai met the same fate when protesting against the British. It means that the power-class always dominates the weaker section and when weaker section moves beyond their limits, powerful sources suppress them!!

rajiv gandhi

Political murder not only means killing, but sometimes it also means tormenting the soul of the person so as the person cannot function anymore in political career. Some examples have been observed in Brazil and Russia wherein monarch is just name sake heads who are kept under influence by some leverages by businessmen.

None of other countries have suffered more as compared to India, wherein 3 prominent members (of same family) of ruling party have been assassinated. It is not just loss of life, but loss of countries future. The time required to find and grow another prominent leader puts us back to past and we own a backlog of 20-30 years. It turns out to be a shameful thing that people are violently condemning their own Keith and kin.

“It is nobody’s gain, but everybody’s loss.”


  -Vibhav Galadagekar

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