Politicationship- the new Political Relationship!


  politicationship 2

  Oops, what’s that? Is it a new term added to the dictionary? Well…, No. I am not a genius to coin a word. Here I am trying to relate to 2 things which are common in every individual’s life – politics and relationship. As if they are interlinked. Somehow they just come up and things go for a toss. Whether it’s in offices, railways, buses, functions, get-togethers, etc one often overhears “kuch toh politics hoga” or “arrey yaar, politics kiya usne”. Politics in the common sense here has been referred to as some corrupt activity or is simple words ‘setting’. Politics has got all together a different dimension in people lives today.

  In regular day to day activities such as promotions in offices, incentives or bonuses, admissions in schools or colleges, a relative either gaining or loosing importance over the other, friends bitching over the other, electing of chairperson or committee members in a society etc we often tend to mix up politics in relationships. The nature of relationship may differ from that of colleagues, friends, relative, neighbours etc. What I fail to understand is the reference of ‘politics’ in these contexts. We openly have decided and admitted that anything corrupt, unjust, wrongdoing is politics. So if anything that is not acceptable happens we refer to it as ‘politics’ whether it’s at the workplace or concerned with relatives. The act of manipulation in relationships is called politics in the general sense.

  Whom do I blame for the rise of politicationship? Should I like a responsible citizen put all the blame on politicians for its them who have littered politics with their acts for years now. We all criticize and openly abuse them but none of us are ready to step in and take the plunge. In fact it’s our society who has liberally tainted them corrupt and using the words politics in every context. We do not seem to be interested in taking any initiative of changing the face of Indian politics, we are rather happy with labelling every wrong act as politics.

  We cannot have such a hypocritical mentality. It will do us no good. We have to stand up against what is wrong and not just get accustomed to it by calling it politics. At some point we need to see beyond ourselves and look at the larger picture. We can’t be sitting waiting for change to happen. If we want change then we must be the one to bring it.


–          Anjani M Nautiyal

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