Politician Profile: Kiren Rijiju



Kiren Rijju is a 46 year old dynamic Member of Parliament in the 16th Parliament from the Arunachal west constituency.

This law graduate from ‘Faculty of Law’ at University of Delhi is not also the Minister of States for Home affairs in the Modi cabinet.

He was previously elected as the Member of Parliament from the same constituency in the 14th Parliament i.e. the 2004 general lok sabha elections.

He faced defeat against Takam Sanjoy of Indian National Congress in the 2009 general elections, after which he joined Indian national Congress for a brief period. Eventually, he returned to BJP in 2012 and served the party as its National Secretary.

On personal front, he is married to Mrs. Joram Rima, a gold medalist from Arunachal Pradesh University and is currently working as a lecturer at Dera Natung Government College, Itanagar.


– By Rupali Tyagi


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