Politician Profile: Krishan Pal Gurjar



Krishan Pal Gurjar, is a 57 year old Minister in the Modi cabinet from a very modest background.

Mr. Gurjar did his graduation from Jawaharlal Nehru University and it was during his these college days that he discovered his interest in politics and hence, started taking active participation in student politics. He went on to become the general secretary of college student union.

After graduating from Jawaharlal Nehru University, he pursued his further studies in the Law stream from Meerut University.

While pursuing his education, he found the ideas and policies of BJP very promising and hence wanted to become an active member of the party.

In 1996, Mr. Krishan Pal Gurjar was elected as the MLA in Haryana vidhan sabha from the Melva Maharajpur constituency. He also served as the transport minister of Haryana at that time.

In the next assembly elections, he was again elected as the MLA from the same constituency and this time, he also became the leader of BJP’s legislator team.

In 2009, he went on to become the State President of BJP.


– By Rupali Tyagi


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