Pollution Here..Pollution There.. Pollution Everywhere…!


pollution 2


Pollution! Biggest problem prevailing in the world at present. Everything is polluted and has lost its quality. Impure air, dirty water and unclean land has replaced the purest forms of air, water and land. Obvious reason behind this is Man himself. He was not satisfied with these three, so even started noise pollution. It has taken away all the peace and calmness from our Earth. Somewhere for our benefit, we are destroying the quality of things present in our beautiful nature. All the pollutants like carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, etc. have also entered human brain and has started to pollute it.
Don’t you all think that maybe our brain is getting choked with plastic or is getting affected by various harmful gases? That is why people are losing the purity in their thoughts. Best examples of this are the constant “Rapes” and “eve-teasing” happening in our country. People have polluted their mind so much that today women’s life as become hell. A girl is unsafe everywhere, whether she is walking in a crowded area or she is walking alone on the street. Men think that it is fun. It is very easy for them to touch a girl anywhere they wish, to pass on cheap comments and at the end to rape her. I guess it is really very easy, that is why everyday there are rapes happening in our country, then it may be a 4-5 year’s innocent girl or a young lady of 20s getting raped, isn’t it? Whenever a girl walks on the road, she finds a group of boys sitting on bikes, commenting on her & her clothes. Here, she can either react or ignore then. If it happens rarely then fighting is a good option, but how can she fight with those cheap people almost every day? It would be just a waste of time.
Yes almost every day! Somewhere even these people are encouraged and motivated. This motivation is indirectly given to them by our system. Let me explain you how. Indian government while taking decisions, walks on a tortoise’s path. This is why cases are pending for years, including some important cases like “Rapes”. These rapists deserve a death sentence, but our government believes in “freedom” and “Right to live”. After all, even they have right to enjoy their life, right? Their cases are not much importance until there is national protest against our government, our system. Even people sitting in parliament love drama, Hindi films and daily soaps must be among their favourites. At last when they realize that this fire is spreading at a great speed, they declare that they are looking into the matter. And that “looking into the matter” is really very slow. After years a rapist is given punishment, that too not in all cases. This is how they get motivated. Even they know that they will not get a severe punishment from Indian government in this birth, so let’s do this big crime and enjoy our life.


Not only this, after getting raped, a victim is only blamed. Along with other people, even the ministers have a low mentality. They think that it’s a girl’s mistake, after all she is wearing “wrong kind of clothes”, she is out from her home late at night, etc. If somebody says “Rape is a small mistake done by a person, why making it a big issue? “What would be your reaction? Though shocking, but yes people do think in this way. They easily blame the girl and impose thousands of restrictions on her. She has to wear clothes which she is not willing to, she has to change her schedule so that she gets home early, etc. Why these restrictions on a person who has not done anything? Will it lessen the chances of getting raped? Obviously not. If a man can rape a girl from her own family then these restrictions are of no use. Yes there are several cases. A girl is not safe from anybody who has a cheap mind, then it maybe any of her family member. “POLLUTION OF THOUGHTS IS PRESENT HERE..THERE.. AND EVERYWHERE”. This pollution is much more harmful and dangerous than our nature getting polluted. Thus, it needs a solution.
Though there had been many cases of rapes in our country earlier, but Nirbhaya’s incident literally shook the whole country. After that incident, every girl has started focusing more on self-defence techniques and is taking every possible precaution, but how can you expect her to change her whole lifestyle! Why always “she”? Why don’t parents teach their sons to respect women rather than asking her daughters to stay home always? If a brother can respect his mother and sister, they why can’t he respect other women? Enough of changing a girl’s life now, it’s time to change a man’s mentality. This cannot be done by giving those lectures or requesting them, because they don’t understand these two things. They can understand only one thing that is “FEAR this fear can be instilled in them by imposing an immediate death sentence, when proven guilty in a rape case. Before hanging, that cheap person should be given to public, who will give their decision, whether by hitting that rapist with stones or much heavier things. This may be in humane, but not to the level they have shown inhumanity. They deserve this punishment. If this way of punishing people is started, then the graph of rape cases will fall easily.
Hoping that the way Indians removed Britishers from their country, they would throw out these Rapists also…



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Tanvi Taparia


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