Poonam Pandey arrested by Mumbai police for ‘indecent behaviour’



Model turned actress Poonam Pandey, resident of Goregaon was returning in the car near the Shivar garden area of Mira Road at around 10.30pm with her brother. She was playing loud music in her car when a patrol van approached them to stop playing loud music. As they were leaving, the policemen realised she was a model, they charged her for indecent behaviour.

According to police, Poonam Pandey was wearing skimpy dress, waiting alone in secluded area and behaving indecently. She was booked under sections 110 – indecent behaviour and 117 of Mumbai Police Act.

As per Poonam, she wearing knee length yellow dress which was not indecent. After knowing who she was, the police charged her purposefully. Later she was released.

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