Popular Competitive exams after Graduation in Commerce




Graduate Management Admission Test is a standardized test for MBA aspirants to apply in Business schools worldwide. The test evaluates the students’ mathematical, verbal and analytical writing skills. The exam is conducted in the month of January.



Faculty of Management Studies, Delhi conducts FMS written exam and tests the quantitative ability, verbal ability, English comprehension, Analytical ability and logical reasoning. After the exam, selected candidates will be called for an interview, ex-tempore and group discussion.


Civil Services Exam:

The exam, conducted by UPSC is for non-military departments of the Central and State government. It is conducted every year in 3 stages to select officers for different cadre in Administrative services.


IIMC Exam:

Indian Institute of Mass Communication conducts IIMC exam which tests the general issues and analytical and writing skills of the candidates.


CDS Exam:

Combined Defence Service exam is conducted by UPSC to recruit officer cadre of the Army, Navy and Air Force. It is conducted twice a year in May and October to take a written test and personal interview by Service Selection Board. After passing, candidates are sent to Indian Military Academy, Naval Academy, Air Force Academy, Officers Training Academy.



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