Most Popular Sports Events in the World


fifa celebration ger

5 Sports Events that the world wants to watch, these are the events that fans die to watch and are massively popular generating huge revenues. These events not only are massive money machine but also have rich history and define a team’s or player’s destiny, make or break legends and hold a special place in the millions of hearts.

Football World Cup

football crowd

It started in 1930 and is held every four years as the world’s top football nations gather to win the World Cup. Football is the most popular sport in the world and Football World Cup is the most popular tournament on the planet and it is rumoured that almost 1 Billion people around the world watch it, that’s quite a number!…


olympics crowd

This is one of the most historic events held every 5 years. It is quite amazing to imagine that the greek Gods like Zeus used to play these games. This event is much more popular due to the history and also due to the fact there are many sports played in one tournament. It gives a tough fight to Fifa World Cup in popularity but fells short.

The Super Bowl

super bowl crowd

Super Bowl has become a massive event and even its commercials are worthy of watching. American Football is a popular sport especially for Americans and Super Bowl is one event they just don’t want to miss. It generates above millions of viewers which is big.


wimbledon crowd

The oldest, most royal and the most prestigious grand slam in Tennis, the Wimbledon started in 1877. Every tennis player wishes to win this great tournament. This tournament just stands out and shows the world the rich history and culture of Tennis.

Cricket World Cup

cricket crowd

Cricket is the national game of England, a popular sport in Australia and surely one of the most popular in the sub-continent. India won the last world cup at home, in which one particular match, the semi-final between India and Pakistan generated massive amount of views even more than the final.

– Jainam Jhaveri

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BMS Graduate with a Diploma in Software Engg and a Sports Blogger... passionate about Blogging, Football, Video Games, Surfing Internet and Love to Travel and visit new places.


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