Adult Film actresses- The New Bollywood DIVAS?



‘’BABY DOLL MAIN SONE DI.. OH BABY SONE DI.. YE DUNIYA.. YE DUNIYA PITAD I.. BABY DOLL MAIN SONE DI….’’ Every little kid is dancing on the tunes of this song. Sunny Leone you are a true inspiration for all those girls who are trying their fortune in Bollywood with a saying that if a porn star can be a actor then why not ME?

After Sunny Leone ,Shanti Dynamite will soon be making a her debut in a ‘gangster-erotica-horror film. Its kind off becoming a trend to have porn stars in horror movies because horror doesn’t sells in Bollywood but porn stars will always do. Something which I amazed at is why porn stars over beautiful Indian girls?  The directors look around for fresh faces. They can easily spot them at Andheri cafes. But the Indian audience prefer porn stars over our land beauties. The cycle goes that way. Supply what is in the demand and make profits. Strange but true.You would be one of them who will prefer Sunny Leone over any other fresh face.

Why invest your money to watch a porn star on big screen when you can watch her for free? Think and invest. You would not like to speak about Sunny Leone to your kids in future as much as you would love to speak about Aishwarya Rai Bachan or Kareena Kapoor Khan. Hope you won’t be one of them to rush to the nearest theatres when the next movie of a Pornstar hits the screen. 

– Freny Sachde.

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namrata desai


  1. fresher struggle alot in bollywood. They have the best talent in them nd they can give a quality enterainment rather than this porn stars .So why nt givethm opportunity!

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