Joint Family System – Extinct In India?



India is a country with rich culture, values, and morals. Indians are popular for their joint family system where one would find Grandfather-Grandmother, Brothers and their Wives, Their Children all staying under one roof. This is a system where the entire family stays together, earn together, lives together with love and respect. Usually children from joint families are socially active. There are many people available when one person in the family is in the trouble. It’s also a symbol of respect to elders as the final decision maker in the family matters is the eldest person.

Though there are some advantages to this Joint Family System. There are also some points which can be raised as the possibility of people not preferring this system and switching to a more Nuclear Family System. Some of the basic disadvantages would be, Lack of privacy. Today people want more and more privacy, even though people are becoming more open and social they thrive for privacy and it is difficult in the Joint Family. Fewer people in a family mean less of financial headache. India is changing; people are getting educated, doing jobs or business in different cities, men/women trying to get independent. People, especially youngsters, prefer fewer restrictions and more freedom and that is a big reason there is such a huge decrease in the joint family system and may be after a few years we might find more people having rare get-together lunch or dinner with elders and siblings rather than, having lunch or dinner every day.

India is changing, the culture is changing, people are changing and there will be no doubt in a few years we might see people prefer to stay alone or in small families like the culture in the western world.

–         Jainam Jhaveri

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