Post-grad, Abroad, Work: Which way to take after graduation?


Karan: Hey, what do you plan to do now?

Me: I am planning to go for MBA.

Rahul: Hi buddy, what after BMS?

Me: I think I’ll try for MBA from foreign universities.

Rishabh: What’s up, any plans for life now?

Me: I want to get some work experience.

Now comes the question from the toughest person…

Me thinking to myself: What the hell should I do now?

And definitely as you can guess, answering yourself this question is next to impossible!

This is a very common phenomena faced by guys and girls of my age, though the amount of confusion and directionless feeling that it creates is inexpressible in words here. Well for those of you’ll who have already made up their mind and taken up their choice of work/college/ or to keep it simple their path would feel this article to be useless and I do not blame them as this write is intended for those many millions who are stuck up midway (like me).

To start with, there are just numerous options lying in front of you and to choose one from them is a difficult task. It’s like you are given the options of Audi, Mercedes and BMW altogether and you have to (unfortunately) choose one of them! The thing is we never really gave a thought to life after graduation (I know you’ll would say “we never really felt to”!) and thus when suddenly one day we are put in front of the reality, we feel stunned.

But to think of it in another way, it is not really that tough or in other words the phenomena itself is so ‘overhyped’ that we fail to arrive at a conclusion even if we know what we want to do.

Here’s a hypothetic case of what I actually mean.

My friend Raj had decided to do CA and successfully completed the first two hurdles of the not-so-student-friendly course. Then while he was pursuing his articleship, he was faced by some 4-5 more futuristically attractive professional courses like CFA/CFP/MBA. After peeking into what his friends were doing, he came to a conclusion that one degree is of no use and thus he needs to attain as many of them as possible till he is studying and thus opted for CFA. The outcome was a harsh one as he could not clear his final CA and also the CFA Level 1.

The point here is not that he took the wrong decision or he opted for another course along with his current one. It is about the surmountable pressure to perform and to be ahead of the curve every time. We are led by just one perspective to excel and that is to move ahead of everyone else.

Do we ever stop and analyse what the real mantra of success is? What we have been fed by since childhood is really not the effective way of survival? Ever tried to think where our talents are actually to be utilised? I know it’s a philosophical thing to do but the outcome is a relieving one and even after doing it if you do not get any directions, you will at least realise that you were treading the wrong path and that my friends is the first mantra of any successful venture (to avoid doing the wrong things rather than failing to do the right thing).

Chase your dreams, do what you like, do not care what the world thinks or what others would say. If you think it is right for you, then shut your ears to the worldly advises and go for it!

This article is not meant to provoke any sort of wrongdoing or indulge anyone into unwanted passion, but to imbibe in one the habit of self-inspection and knowing oneself so good that others do not feel the necessity to direct you.

I hope, all of you’ll do the very best in life and don’t worry about the future, just plan for the next day and make sure you implement it with full faith.

Best of luck to all 🙂

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