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Solved BMS Queries:

Q. Ravi Sharma (RJ College)Will theory be an option in Special Studies in Finance paper except for conceptual. Do I have to prepare for theory or can I only rely on practical chapters?

Ans. Abhishek Sir (MT UVA BMS) – Yes, Theory is optional is SSF paper. Give more emphasis to Practical question but prepare theory questions for contingencies – chapters like Mutual Funds, IPO, Underwriting and Merchant Banks.


Q.) Dipti Shukla (S.K. College)If I want to write section -2 first and then section -1 and at the last case study, is it ok with board exam it will not reduce my marks?

Ans. Abhishek Sir (MT UVA BMS)- The paper setters, moderators and paper assessors do not bother about the sequence in which you are solving. But it is a humble request that you are suppose to write Q no. Properly, and sub – Questions to be solved together – this will help assessors to give correct evaluation of you answer.


Q.) Radika (Jai-Hind College)May I know whether SSF case studies will be tough?

Ans.) Abhishek Sir (MT UVA BMS) –  “What you Know is Easy and What you don’t is Tough “ So please do all tough questions such as  case study . In case study questions – we are suppose to find DSCR (Debt Service Coverage  Ratio ) .


Q.) Rhea (N.M. College) – How to solve minimum cash balance in cash budget questions in financial management?

Ans.) Abhishek Sir (MT UVA BMS)-  Whenever the question is on minimum cash balance, Calculate original balance if it is less than the minimum requirement then avail bank overdraft facility. In next month if the balance is more than minimum balance then repay the bank overdraft appropriately.


Q.) Navaid (St. Andrews College) – How to complete FM paper on time?

Ans.) Abhishek Sir (MT UVA BMS)- There is no mantra to complete the paper on time , just speed up , match your time with the question , answer the theory questions if necessary as they are lengthy, Attempt the question which u know the best first and then the next one.

Q.) Required Paper Pattern of all subjects

Ans.) Abhishek Sir (MT UVA BMS)- All paper follows one paper pattern:

Section I compulsory 30 marks,

section II 30 marks having one question as option. Section has case study.


Q.) Chhaya (VPM) – FM subject is very tough. So how can I get only passing marks please tell me some tips.

Ans.)  Abhishek Sir (MT UVA BMS)- Even if you have not started yet, please don’t get panic or tense as only tension will lead us to failure. Just focus on following topics which are easy and expected – working capital, Receivable, capital structure planning, leverages and business restructuring.


Q.) Vishnu Nair (Bharat College) In SSF, Topic IRR is it there for or being removed?

Ans.) Abhishek Sir (MT UVA BMS)- There is no circular for such amendment so please verify with your college faculty.


Q) In SSF and FM both, working capital should be added in both outflow and inflow or it is only added in outflow?

Ans)  In both the cases working cap is to be treated as outflow as well as inflow. But while taking as inflow in last year please multiply by PV factor of that year


Q) Will theory be an option in FM paper?

Ans.) Q no 1 is compulsory for 5 marks and in sec II, 1 question 0f 10 marks is optional


Q) There is so much theory in FM…From which all chapters to study plz help…and in exam can we write with black pen…and while writing d paper if we want to highlight the answer which pen to use then?

Ans.) Firstly you can write in blue or black ink and no other ink is allowed. Secondly you can read selected theory from 1st and last chapter


Q.) Is university ask similar long question which was earlier asked ?

Ans.) No dear , there is no specific pattern which is followed so please do not refer earlier question paper which are before 2010


Q) What should be the maximum length for writing case studies in theory subjects?

Ans.) for 5 marks 1 page


Q) In FM. Capital Bugeting, how to calculate depreciation on SLM when initial investment, scrape value and even SLM depreciation rate is given? Should the % be ignored and the cost minus scrape/ life formula to be followed?

Ans) Dear that doesn’t make any difference in your answer as both the methods give the same


Q) Which areas to concentrate on in the Special Studies in Finance (SSF) Subject? Give some tips as I am yet to start studying for this subject. How to secure a decent score given the less time remaining?

Ans.) If it is do please concentrate on certain topics – term loan and project appraisal, EVA, IPO, Hire-purchase, Foreign Exchange


Q) Chapter wise weightage of marks or chapter which can be leaved as an option i.e which are less important in both the subjects dtz f.m and logistics

Ans.) Chapters in descending order

1- capital budgeting , receivable, working capital, capital structure planing , cost of capital, leverage, business restructuring.


Q) FM is very vast in theory so what to learn from which chapter can u giv idea? And can we use black pen to write the exam?

Ans.) Firstly you can write in blue or black ink and no other ink is allowed . secondly you can read selected theory from 1st and last chapter, Q no 1 is compulsory for 5 marks and in sec II,  1 question 0f 10 marks is optional. so please focus on practical questions


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  1. Sir can you please tell me which practical questions SSF are expected to come for oct-nov 2012 exam ? please so that i can prepare according to that.

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