Poverty: An Aspect Neglected.



In India we see poverty and people useless jobless all around giving a penny when the plea for it has it changed anything or has it helped to decrease the rate of poverty in our country.

As i am writing this article from past 15 years wherever i go a beggar will come if i would be any corner of our country asking for a penny and not only me all of us we would hand over some bucks and let them go.

But has it helped what is the government doing for this major issue big newspaper we see columns about poverty rise in India and what is happening is it going to change some day or just same as usual.

The poverty in India is measured by a poverty line that is probably one of the most disputed and incessantly attacked measure in the world. What’s more, the World Bank’s controversial poverty line has its origins in the Indian model! It is simply what some call a “starvation line”, a line that accounts for the feeling of satiety: measured in calories.


  • 50% of Indians don’t have proper shelter;
  • 70% don’t have access to decent toilets (which inspires a multitude of bacteria to host their own disease party);
  • 35% of households don’t have a nearby water source;
  • 85% of villages don’t have a secondary school (how can this be the same government claiming 9% annual growth?);
  • Over 40% of these same villages don’t have proper roads connecting them.

Looking at the stats and the condition there is a need that it should be looked more clearly and fast action is needed.




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A fan of art,cinema,music and whatever is beautiful. currently a student. Creativity and innovation always draws me towards it. i am the one who reads books,hears music take pictures explore places and does whatever gives peace and pleasure and shares it .


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