Today as I’m sitting here on my PC thinking what a topic to choose for my artivle which is to be submitted in BMS portal, I am in a complete fix as to what I should choose as my topic for my article so that it would stand out among all other articles, I suddenly find that all my previous experiences in my life are racing in my head to be chosen as my topic. From all those things which have taught me a lesson in my 17 years of life the most important is power of words.
“GOD made the world with words. And man made GOD with words”
I read the words in a story, a monster story in a fact, and found them to be worthy of thought. The power of words; the power of speech. The age old proverb stands “Pen is mightier than the sword”. Words can make or break, words can make you quake, words hold an unknown power over our minds. And unknowingly, we’ve been using them since we’re kids.

Words are wonderful. They’re like little playthings, not too complex, but not too simple as well. It’s like a game without rules. You learn as you play; and you get better as you play. It’s a never-ending process. Every day of our lives, we use words.
Words remind me of a dialogue from a movie, The Dead Poets Society, Robin Williams says this in a perfect manner-“so avoid using the word ‘very’, because it’s lazy. A man is not very tired, he’s exhausted. Don’t use very sad, use morose. Language was invented for one reason, boys=to woo women-and, in that endeavour, laziness will not do”

That one dialogue inspired many. Don’t use very. As simple an advice as it gets. One word makes a world of difference. The degree, the manner, everything. The impact, when I say “I’m exhausted” is definitely more than when I say “I’m very tired”. You can change people’s minds with words.
Adolf Hitler had his way with words. His speeches drove crowds into hysteria. Every soldier he addressed was prepared to lay down his life, or take a life, for Hitler. Even though he was a negative person, it is an admirable quality. He was a very eloquent speaker. The entire Nazi movement was a direct result of his endearing speeches. His speeches were full of passion and fire, a zest that attracted the attention of the people. His prowess with words is what made him the formidable man that he was!

I’ve read quite a few books in my 17 years. And I’m actually feeling proud in stating that while I’ve never cried while watching movies, I’ve read books that have struck an emotional chord in me. I’ve shed tears reading about the death of people who do not exist in this world. Such is the power of words. The very unleash a well of emotion and feelings in you that you never knew existed.
Words give you the chance to unleash your imagination. When I say “I saw a red tree”, one might imagine a tree with red leaves. Another might imagine a tree with red branches. The possibilities are endless! It lets your mind soar. Such is the power of words. Their wonder, their beauty.
Words can free us from the shackles of our mindless world. They can show us a world that was far beyond our reach. A world which is free from the mind-numbing troubles and obstacles. A world that we call “our mind”.




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Tolani College
Tolani College of Commerce is a commerce college in Andheri East, Mumbai, India.


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