Powers And Duties Of An Umpire


Where two or more even numbers of arbitrators are appointed and the reference provides that in the event of their disagreement, the matter in dispute shall be referred to the decision of a third person, such third person is called an umpire. So, an umpire may be appointed by the arbitrators within one month from the latest date of their respective appointments. He may be appointed by the court (1) when the arbitrators do not appoint him or (2) when the parties fail to appoint arbitrators. The court may remove him on same grounds on which an arbitrator is removed, namely, when he fails to proceed with arbitration or when he misconducts himself or the proceedings. He has to make an award within two months or such extended period as the court may allow. He may fix the amount of costs and the persons who shall bear such costs. his other rights and duties are the same as those of an arbitrator.


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