Practical Training or Classroom Lectures!


I will not give report of some surveyist what he/she surveyed but ask you a question as India is democratic country aur youngistan ki awaz hai iss desh ki awaz ………are classroom lectures better than practical training….??????

Classroom lectures are good when mostly there are concepts which are needed to be understood in a theoretical basis but if concepts which are necessary to be understood and which are also applied in a practical industry then I thinkpractical training would be really essential because only knowing the concept and convention would not help, how to apply the concept in the real world is also necessary as it would make a scene clear to a student how to apply, where to apply and when to apply, and the most important what to apply.

Take an example if a management student only knows the concept like Johari window or some concept of production or supply chain management it would not only help because that student doesn’t know in an real industry how to apply that concept, principles and conventions which are really necessary for an individual or a student to know as it will boost his confidence, his motivational level and even charge up his enthusiastic level.

Even I can tell you a practical experience which even you all must have experienced some or the other time. When students sit for classroom lectures listening some concept or some principles how much students actually listen to that concept and listening this how much would actually remember in the practical life when they actually work somewhere. Suppose the concept which the student found boring in class got a touch of practical training and showed him a practical usage that person will remember for lifetime.

Knowing the concept and conventions or what they say are needed but more important is to know how it is applied in real industry.. If a person knows that then that concept he/she would never forget in his/her life…So I think both are needed but India is expanding globally at a growing pace so if even the youngsters got a chance to get practical experience or training it will help India in future….I hope this article will help to make some changes somewhere which would help us growing.

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I am Dhara Shah, a BMS graduate, a friendly person with a happy go lucky nature but cannot stand by lies in front of me, sometimes stubborn as well. I am fun loving kinda person and talkative too.


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