The Common Admission Test (CAT) is a computer based test held in India. The test evaluates the person on the basis of quantitative ability, data interpretation, verbal ability and logical reasoning. It is conducted by the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) for their business administration programs.
- CAT is computer based test(CBT) and not an Internet based test(IBT).
- A candidate holding a Bachelor’s Degree with minimum of 50% marks is eligible to write this exam.
- Before 2009, CAT was a paper based test conducted on a single day for all candidates. On 1 May 2009, it was announced that CAT would be computer based.
- As per 2014, CAT will be 170 minute test consisting of 100 questions (50 from quantitative ability & data interpretation and 50 from verbal ability & logical reasoning).
- There is a myth surrounding CAT that it is only for engineering students. CAT is also for various Business Administration Programs for various management institutes.