Press Relations in Emergencies


Press Relations in Emergencies

In crisis timing is of essence, and so is the need for having a spokesman on the spot. The spokesman has to be someone with information, knowledge and authority. He must be one with high credibility and should be well prepared to handle the media and answer all their queries and questions quickly and effectively. The spokesman does not have to be prepared to issue board corporate pronouncements. But he must be prepared to do two things:

  1. Give the press factual answers
  2. Keep these factual answers within the parameters of the company’s communications policy

Some of the big questions that an on-the-spot spokesman should be ready to handle are:

  • What happened?
  • What caused it?
  • When did it happen?
  • Where did it happen?
  • How much damage has occurred?
  • Was anyone killed or hurt?

Media people covering a crisis know the spokesman’s limitations. Media will, therefore, generally demand those facts which ought to be available and will respond negatively to excessive vagueness and delay. With few exceptions, they will accept the fact that speculation about causes or premature information about the damage is out. However, they will be alert and ready to jump on any unwary statement that is made.

If possible, it is good to have the PRO as the spokesman. If that is not possible for any particular reason then the PRO could support and assist the spokesman in providing background information to the media. But the story must be authentic and told authoritatively by whoever it is told by.

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rohit patil

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