Principal And Student Booked For Including PM Modi In The List Of Negative Faces


Four students of a government polytechnic at Kuzhoor and three others, including its principal, were on Tuesday booked by police for featuring in their campus magazine a photograph of Prime Minister Narendra Modi under a list of “negative faces” along with Adolf Hitler,George W. Bush, Osama bin Laden and a few others.

Cases had been registered against four students, associated with the magazine, its Principal M N Krishnan Kutty, staff Editor Gopi and the owner of a printing press for offences under Indian Penal Code (IPC) including concealing design to commit offence, wantonly giving provocation, punishment for defamation and printing matter known to be defamatory.

The campus magazine for 2013-14 was released on June 4 and one of its pages titled ‘negative faces’ featured a photograph of Modi. Others figuring in the collage include, sandalwood smuggler Veerappan, LTTE supremo V Prabhakaran, Adolf Hitler, Al-Qaeda chief Laden and George W. Bush , police said.

Cover page of the magazine.

They said the case was booked on a complaint by a social worker.

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Riya Lokhande


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