Principles of Management refer to statements of fundamental truth based on logic that provides guidelines for making managerial decisions and actions. The 14 Principles of Management include: Division of Labor, Party of Authority and Responsibility, Principle of One Boss, Unity of Direction, Equity, Order, Discipline, Initiative, Fair Remuneration, Stability of Tenure, Scalar Chain, Sub-ordination of individual interest to general interest, Espirit De’ Corps, Centralization and Decentralization.
Here we present Principles of Management Practice Question Paper No. 4:
- Define control. Explain traditional and modern techniques of control.
- Explain Maslow’s Theory of motivation.
- Enumerate the various external sources of recruitment.
- Explain the following concepts – Levels of management, centralization, business plan, coordination, organizing.
- Explain Henry Mintzberg role of a manager.
- Discuss various types of plans used in an organization.
- Write short note on Management as an art
- Write short note on Contingency approach to management
- Write short note on Leadership styles
- Write short note on Line and Staff organization.