Principles of Management Practice Question Paper Set 6



Management activities are known as Principles of Management which includes forecasting and planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling. Forecasting and Planning process includes: identification of organizational goals, following of line of action, various stages through which the action would pass, method used to achieve desired goals. Organizing means providing the organization with everything useful to its functioning of raw material, tools, capital and personnel. A sound organization should have: a single component and energetic guiding authority, efficient selection of personnel, clear definition of duties at all levels, initiative and responsibility, minimum paper work, reward and efficiency, unit of command, clear and precise decision making, proper control, disincentives for faults and error, supremacy of general interest in relation to individual etc.

Here we present Principles of Management Practice Question Paper Set 6:

Q.1) What are the challenges faced by Indian manager since globalization? Do you feel his role has changed considerably? Discuss. – 8 marks

Q.2) You have been assigned a group project undertaking along with the team members for a certain period. Explain in brief what is your contribution to the group efforts? Do you feel objectives of the project. Studies are achieved? To what extent? – 7 marks

Q.3) Planning and controlling go hand in hand. One is incomplete without the other. Discuss practical aspects of both and appreciate. – 8 marks

Q.4) Explain in brief the following (Any 3) – 15 marks

1) Case study method

2) Project management

3) Problem solving skills

4) Decision making skills

5) Analytical skills

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