Principles of Marketing Practice Question Paper Set 2


marketing 1

The activities involved in transfer of goods and services from seller to buyer i.e. advertising, shipping, storing and so on is known as Marketing. The marketing mix or 4Ps are: product, place, promotion and price. The concept of 4Ps is replaced by 7 Ps which are: product, price, place, promotion, people, positioning and packaging.

Here we present Principles of Marketing Practice Question Paper Set 2:

Q.1) Define Integrated marketing communication (IMC). Discuss the component of IMC – 8 marks

Q.2) Discuss the characteristics of services. – 7 marks

Q.3) Explain with examples, different methods of pricing. – 8 marks

Q.4) Discuss the steps in new product development process.- 7 marks

Q.5) Define marketing. Explain the concepts of marketing in brief. – 8 marks

Q.6) Define marketing. Explain the 4 Ps of marketing. – 7 marks

Q.7) Define marketing. Enumerate the features of marketing. – 8 marks

Q.8) What is meant by e-marketing? Point out the types of e-marketing. – 7 marks

Q.9) Define Sales forecasting. Discuss the methods / techniques of sales forecasting. – 8 marks

Q.10) Discuss Decision-making units (DMUs) and its composition. – 7 marks

Q.11) What is consumer behavior? Explain the factors determining consumer behavior. – 8 marks

Q.12) Define marketing research. Discuss in brief the product research. – 7 marks

Q.13) What is market segmentation? Explain the segments for segmenting consumer markets. – 8 marks

Q.14) Discuss the steps in new product development process. – 7 marks

Q.15) Define Product. Explain the important product planning decisions. – 8 marks

Q.16) Discuss the issues involved in category membership? Which means to be adopted to communicate? – 7 marks


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