Priya Biswas, Zenith Computers Ltd


Name – Priya Biswas

Company – Zenith Computers Ltd

Tell us something about yourself?

  • Professionally I describe myself as very good learner, proactive, excellent team player with accurate knowledge of handling and delivering my work on time.
  • As a person I describe myself a one who always keep her words if she commits on something and always give due respects to others thoughts and a very good listener.

Tell us something about your company?

  • Working as Relationship Manager in Zenith Computers Ltd, This company basically deals into the manufacturing of the PC’s and then sell it into the market. So I will better describe this company as mixture of manufacturing and marketing of their products by keeping in mind of providing the best products to the consumers.

According to you, what is management all about?

  • Management is all about the skills to manage the different sort of things at a time: like people and day to day activities. It’s a blend which starts with planning , then organizing the things to see it that further work should carry on , then directing which means the plan you have made should be executed properly and finally controlling – people.

Your views on Corporate World?

  • Today , if you see in the market, the you will find that 90% of the students take up the jobs in the corporate and only 10% who wants to start their own business. This is because this 90% students thinks that from the corporate they will gain good knowledge of experience of handling the duties. And this is true as it happens many a time that if you don’t have a knowledge of handling the work pressure in the corporate then you may fail in your business. So in the Simple words “ Corporate is a teacher who guides you that how you shape your life and where to stand in the future”

What is your philosophy towards work?

  • My philosophy is to go getter type attitude which means you should always be a proactive in everything you do in you work and should prove yourself as the best among the crowd. And also to be Smart Player who honestly do his work rather then involving in the politics which plays around.

Tell us about the most fun you have had on the job?

  • Most fun as in the sense I can tell you about the pleasure what I get from my job  – Is to meet with the top corporate heads and to know more about the extra knowledge of how you should be extra ordinary to get your work done.

“Earning more and more” is the motive behind doing BMS? Is it justifiable?

  • Practically Yes, If in today’s crowd you are a BMS degree holder with the excellent blend of Communication skills and also of Management skills then definitely you will be earning more then others, because it teaches you how to manage yourself as well as your duties and also its teaches you the basic level of business which help you to become a great businessman ahead in future.
  • This Question answer can be No also for those kind of students who only for the sake of getting a management degree do BMS and after that suffer in the Corporate World and then blame to the degree that they have not get good knowledge.

Is the Name of the Institute from where a student does his/her BMS important while entering into corporate world?

  • No, definitely not. All is depends upon on the Skills and the intelligence of the person.

What message would you like to give to the students aspiring to work at management level?

  • Be confident and with full of knowledge about the current trends happening in the business world, and be a smart worker which will definitely help you out to climb the ladder fast in your career life.

If you are hiring a person for a job, what would you look for?

  • Confidence, loyalty towards the work , Knowledge about the subject he is interested to do work in.

Your feedback for

  • Very good platform for the students of Mumbai to come together and share their views and get touch with the recent activities in the business world.

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