Problem Caused to Students because of delay in BMS Sem V Results


Firstly the paper leaks were bothering the students, now this delay in the results adds more tension.

“Already there is so much to study in so less time and to top it, this delay in Sem V BMS results is adding more tension to the students. ” says a friend on being asked about the problems faced because of the delay.

What if I get an ATKT/s? It’ll be so much to study in a months time. Is the MU aware of what is going through the students? are some questions many would be facing or say might be thinking now.

Looking ahead for the Results, hope its out in this week. Lets Hope for the best.. *Fingers Crossed*
Simply waiting!!!!

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Ganesh Kamath

Hello, this is Ganesh Kamath. I am a TYBMS student. I am a friendly guy, love to make new friends. I love being simple and realistic. Here to share to my views and to learn more about the outside world. I hope and except you help me with this. :)


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