Procedure for obtaining duplicate copies of Marksheets



1) Any candidate who has passed any exam from the university can apply for the duplicate copy of statement of marks, passing/special certificate, degree certificate etc.

2) Application must be submitted in prescribed form with prescribed fees to the TAPAL counter.

3) Fees
i) Duplicate copy of certificate of passing – Rs. 100
ii) Duplicate copy of degree/diploma certificate – Rs. 300
iii) Special Certificate – Rs. 100
iv) Duplicate Special Certificate – Rs. 200
v) Detailed statement of marks – Rs. 50
vi) Duplicate detailed statement of marks – Rs. 100
vii) Application form for obtaining duplicate certificate – Rs. 5

4) Fees must be paid by DD drawn on any Nationalized Bank payable at Mumbai, in the name of “Finance and Accounts Officer, University of Mumbai”
or in Cash at the designated bank.

5) Period required for issue of duplicate copy.

Document required – Period
a) Degree Certificate – 2 months
b) Statement of marks and others – 2 months

Any queries you can reach University of Mumbai, Controller of Examination, Examination Bhavan, Kalina Campus, Santacruz (e).

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  1. My bms 3rd sem marksheet was misplaced i need duplicate copy for that what is procedure to get and how many days it will take for getting duplicate copy?

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