Procrastination – Is The Biggest Obstacle Of Life


Procrastination is such a big word with 15 letters in it. It sounds very scary and indeed it is something to be scared of. It is one of the biggest obstacles of our lives. Procrastination is the act of putting off or delaying or a habit of delaying an important thing that requires our immediate attention. Basically in short procrastination only means delaying a certain task. We often use the words like “it will be taken care off”. In fact many of us be it teenagers or adults use the word ho jayega it means it will taken care off. This kind of behaviour is called a laid back behaviour or a laid back attitude.

Although it shows that you don’t take loads of tension and you are pretty chilled out when it comes to doing some work or getting some work done. But it is not always the right attitude. Positive attitude is the right attitude but a laid back attitude isn’t as right attitude as it seems. Procrastination is the sign of laziness and being inactive. When a person is inactive he or she tends to delay work that is important. While a person who is very active or proactive does the work faster and gets free early. Any changes that need to be done could be made as the work is done before time and not kept for the last minute. But as for us all we don’t really work until our tail is on fire. We work better in pressure. But every time work pressure isn’t really good. Procrastination becomes a big problem in our lives.

Sometimes we get our worked delayed in such a manner that everything gets piled up so very badly that we are left with nothing but working extra. We end up sacrificing our sleep and our social life too being affected. A lot of things come up suddenly and you have work too that needs to be complete as work deadline is near. If you are doing a responsible job you very well know you need to get your work completed in time else you will be termed irresponsible. Sometimes due to such a lot of delay we tend to blame others as well not realising that it is only our fault. We are the ones to be blamed. Prioritising your work is important. In fact it is very important to maintain a balance between work, health, religious duties and social life. Plus you have your family obligations and you cannot even ignore them. Work may take a toll on your health that is why it is advisable to do your work on time.

It is not always possible to get your work done before time. But you can always try and take a break or two. Relax a bit and get back to work. It may hard at initial stages but it only helps you get rid of the last minute rushing about and deadline. Moreover if you have some dead line on your head you cannot concentrate on any other stuff. You are constantly in that stress and tension of getting your work done fast. It may also happen that you do not do your work as well as you could. You cannot give your 100 percent in your work that was pending all these days.

This is the worst kind of feeling. As you realise all these days you wasted and you enjoyed while now later when you want a break just may be a 3 hour break you still have no option you cannot help it but work constantly for 24 hours and 7 days a week. No break and no holiday makes you feel so sick and weak. There is no chance of boredom striking you. In a way it is good it is keeping you busy and not sitting idle. But anyway it keeps you all the more tensed and you may end up doing 2 to 3 things at a time and do it all wrong. You may not even do anything right not even a single thing. In order to get your work done fast you multi task and all it leads to disaster. You are dead then.

This disastrous work leads to losing your confidence you burst out in tears and regret why didn’t you start earlier? At the college level this wouldn’t be that harmful but at the work level you may have to risk it all. Your job would be at stake. If you are the only bread winner then you know for sure what would happen if you lose the only job. What will you eat and give your family. Perhaps finding a job isn’t as easy as it seems and another job is even more difficult. If your previous employer removes you out of your job stating you are irresponsible and non-reliable then you have got it bad big time. No company would want to hire you. If you are a liability to them why would they even think of having you in their company they would rather go in for a better employee who would be productive enough?


  • Laid back attitude

Like I mentioned earlier a “ chalta hai attitude” is the biggest and the most important symptom of procrastination. If you see any such person or hear of any such person you know he is a person who will delay. For him everything will be nothing important and all okay and it will be a type of an attitude. Whatever work you do if you find you need to make changes and your junior tells you chalta hai it only means he isn’t someone responsible. Work and other matters in life cannot be taken lightly.

  • Someone who gives excuses

While given a task, if you give excuses more than results show your attitude. No matter how much you know and the knowledge that you have if you don’t put it into work and present it, it will be of no use.

  • Laziness

We all mostly are lazy. But there is a thin line between being lazy and lethargic. A lazy attitude further becomes lethargic and the work gets delayed followed by procrastination.



Carren bryne.

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